PVC & PTFE Material Comparison

PVC & PTFE Material Comparison

Политетрафторэтилен (ПТФЭ) is a synthetic material accidentally invented in the late 1930s while a chemist was endeavoring to develop a new type of perfluorethylene-based refrigerant. Rather than achieving a chlorofluorocarbon, the scientist was surprised to find that the perfluorethylene used in the process reacted with the iron content of its container and polymerized it under pressure. Less than a decade later, this new material was being distributed on a commercial scale and was eventually patented under the name Teflon®. It would be another 20 years before this material would hit the frying pan and become known as the first non-stick coating for cookware, however. In fact, this material was used for a variety of other purposes at first.

Property Name Units   ABS/PVC Alloy    PTFE Filled
Specific Heat Capacity BTU/lb-°F 0.382
Shear Modulus ksi
Compressive Yield Strength psi 3050 5710
Poisson’s Ratio
Dielectric Constant 3.3 3.7
Dielectric Strength kV/in 508 467
Elongation at Break % 100 9.4
Flexural Yield Strength psi 7030 9820
Modulus of Elasticity ksi 319 348
Hardness, Rockwell R 88 110
Tensile Strength, Ultimate psi 4030 6580
Tensile Strength, Yield psi 5420 8270
Electrical Resistivity ohm-cm 1.00e+14 3.00e+15
Density lb/in³ 0.0423 0.0531
Max Service Temperature, Air °F 170 212
Thermal Conductivity BTU-in/hr-ft²-°F 1.87 1.67
Fracture Toughness ksi-in½

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