Single Screw Extruder
Single Screw Extruder

Single Screw Extruder

Single screw extrusion is one of the core operations in polymer processing and is also a key component in many other processing operations. The foremost goal of a single screw extrusion process is to build pressure in a polymer melt so that it can be extruded through a die or injected into a mold. Most machines are plasticating: they bring in solids in pellet or powder form and melt them as well as building pressure.

Одношнековый экструдер представляет собой пресс, который проталкивает материал через цилиндр в условиях высокого давления и температуры. Он может производить изделия разной длины с поперечным сечением, соответствующим выходному отверстию.


В процессе экструзии сырье расплавляется, а затем затвердевает после формирования. Может применяться для керамики, резины, термопластичных полимеров, макаронных изделий и других пищевых продуктов.


These machines have a single screw turning within a cylinder, which is usually smooth. Raw material is fed into the barrel through a hopper and extruded into a die, which gives the material its final shape.

The barrel consists of three main zones: feed, compression and metering. The pressure increase within the extruder and movement of the material through the barrel are a function of screw geometry and the friction of the material against the screw and the barrel walls.

How to choose

Choice of extruder and screw configuration will depend on the material to be extruded.

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