How do medical multi-lumen tubing help the fight against Covid-19
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How do medical multi-lumen tubing help the fight against Covid-19

Amid the Covid-19 virus outbreak, medical 
PTFE multi-lumen tubing is playing an important part in helping fight the global pandemic. In this article, SuKo will explain what medical tubes are, how they’re used and why they’re helping in the fight against Covid-19.

What are medical tubes?

Medical tubes are used as part of equipment to deliver fluids to and from the body, and can also be used for catheters and respiratory equipment. Some medical tubing should be custom produced with different chambers or cores for delivering medication to the body. Medical tubing has become an essential component in the fight against Covid-19 considering the increased number of ICU patients and the increasing demands for ventilators and other respiratory equipment.

What plastic is used for a medical tube?

PTFE is one of the most commonly selected plastics for medical tubing, because it’s adaptable and can be sterilized. Other types of plastic used in medical grade tubing include more flexible materials such as PVC, TPU, TPE, and TPV, etc.

Sterilization and antibacterial properties of medical tubes

Although single-use plastic is frowned upon in everyday life, it can help prevent the spread of viruses and diseases in the medical profession, which is because it’s more hygienic to dispose of items used to treat those with highly contagious viruses rather than to re-use products.

According to medical tubing companies, medical grade plastics should be able to withstand high temperatures and corrosion for optimum cleaning in places where medical equipment is safe to be sterilized and cleaned. Some medical grade plastics can be fitted with anti-bacterial protection to help prevent the spread of contagious illnesses in hospitals and healthcare environments.

How are medical multi-lumen tubes helping the fight against Covid-19?

Medical multi-lumen tubes, key component of medical devices and respiratory equipment including ventilators which aid breathing, have been used in healthcare for many years to enhance patient care and are critical to patient care in intensive care units. As you know, one of the known symptoms of Covid-19 is shortness of breath, which results from the fact that the virus attacks the lungs and pneumonia and respiratory complications will also occur to people with severe symptoms. Therefore, thin wall medical tubing is helping keep patients affected by the disease alive.

Find out more about medical tubing here
. If you have an urgent enquiry about medical grade tubing you can contact our team on

ptfe teflon medical tubing

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